ICANN London – all welcome!

Join us at ICANN 50

The daily schedule is now published for the ICANN meeting in two weeks time (22-26 June 2014)

ICANN 50 | 22-26 June 2014 | London

Schedule: http://london50.icann.org/en/schedule?date=2014-06-19

ICANN meetings are not only for registrars by any means, registrars play but a very small part in the processes and discussions. Having been to a couple of meetings in the past, I’ve always found them very interesting from an internet governance point of view, and a great counterpoint to the top-down we-know-best processes elsewhere.

Stakeholders from all walks for life are heard at ICANN meetings. If you are not an ICANN Registrar you can join one of the other constituency groups* such as business, non-commercial, or “At Large” – see https://www.icann.org/news/blog/at-large-community-to-convene-in-london-for-atlas-ii

Registration and attendance at the meeting is free. However, you are required to pay for your accommodation and meals. Coffee breaks are provided during the meeting and there are often events in the evenings that you can join.

See you there?


*Stakeholder Groups:

Silicon Junction

Whilst many in the tech industry have heard of “Silicon Roundabout”, the internet focused area of London around Old Street roundabout in Shoreditch, there are other parts of Britain where internet is spoken.

One of these is near 2020Media’s south London offices, and has been nicknamed “Silicon Junction”, due to it’s proximity to Clapham Junction railway station.

http://siliconjunction.co.uk/ is a community of digital businesses, bricks and mortar ones, freelancers and start uppers who live or work around the famous station.

We’ll be meeting up with the digital hipsters tonight for one of their semi-regular meetups. Meantime if you’d like to know more, this video introduces the concept.

Is there a local tech hub near you? Let us know (in the comments) and we’ll help spread the word.

CiviCRM events

Lots of great London based CiviCRM stuff coming up so thought we’d give you a heads up so you can get the dates in your diaries now.

CiviCRM is the market leading open source CRM application for the Third Sector. Robust and reliable, our hosting plans fully support both small and large CiviCRM deployments.

1. Meetups!

First off, the dates for the next two meetups are confirmed:

May Meetup: Wed 28th May – Register here

July Meetup: Wed 30th July – Register here

Both will be @ Compucorp in Shoreditch, London and start at 6pm.


The meetups are designed for those looking to find out more about CiviCRM or considering it for their organisation. There is always a mix of experience levels represented and are a great forum for asking your questions or meeting current users, implementors or developers who can help with your project.

We’ll be following the usual format with an introduction to CiviCRM and one of the main CiviCRM modules followed by some other follow up sessions and whats new in the Civi world.

2. CiviCON!

Then the big one… the annual 2 day CiviCRM European conference held in London. Get your tickets now for earlybird discounts:

CiviCON London: Thurs 25th and Fri 26th Sept – Register here 

CiviCon London 2013
CiviCon London 2013

The full CiviCON website will be up shortly with details of sessions and speakers.

There will also be London based training before CiviCON:

London user and administrator training: Tuesday 23rd and Wed 24th Sept – Register here  

And the unmissable after conference sprint in the beautiful Derbyshire village of Edale:

Edale After CiviCON sprint: September 28th to October 4th – Register here

Look forward to seeing you there!


Information is said to double it’s value when made accessible. Not sure that maxim applies to this collection of useless knowledge!

Portmanteau Words from the Internet

emoticon – emotion + icon

knowledgebase – knowledge + database

email – electronic + mail

modem – modulator + demodulator

netiquette – Internet + etiquette

London WordPress Meetup Report

April Meetup
April Meetup at Shoreditch Works Village Hall

The topics at this months meetup were entitled:

  • Handling WP user generated content
  • Use WP to find clients
  • WP Security
  • Cleaner themes.

User generated content

The first talk was by Graham Armfield of Coolfields, who is known as Mr Accessibility. But this month he almost managed to talk about something completely different! Accessibility came  in sideways with an aside about captchas vs logic puzzles.

Graham Armfield at April Meetup
Graham Armfield

Graham’s talk was about handling user generated content – this means input to the website via a form or upload box – without requiring a login. Grahame gave us a run down of the steps needed to take input from a form on a wordpress website, process it, allow an admin to moderate it and then publish the data on a page. He used a gig guide as an example.

If you’re interested in learning more, his slides are available here http://www.slideshare.net/coolfields/handling-user-generated-content-in-wordpress

Another useful tip was the the popular Ninjaforms plugin offers a logic puzzle anti-spam test, which is apparently much better from an accessibility point of view.

Using WordPress to find clients

The next talk was from Rob Cubbon and entitled “Using WordPress to find clients”. In practice this talk was about optimising your site or online presence to attract and then convert vistors into clients. Rob talked about carefully choosing keywords with buying intent, creating specificity in your pages, not generallity. Example being writing detailed tutorials on how to do something – a subject hopefully you are an expert and authoritative on. Creating a call to action on every page. Adding key phrases to page titles and headlines. He also recommended creating in-depth profiles on social media sites for freelancers as it’s likely prosopective clients will research these when selecting somone.

Tools to help include Google keyword tool and Google Rich Snippets.


WordPress Security

Duncan Stuart gave us all a wake up call with his fascinating talk on WordPress Security. Duncan’s company works mostly for government departments or agencies and they spend a lot of time working on security. Duncan began with telling us that the well-known Jetpack plugin, has been suffering from a security weakness that allowed spammers to publish their own content on websites. He then went through a set of examples of types of attack and some well known plugins that have (in the past) had vulnerabilities that have allowed these attacks.

Duncan then gave some advice on improving WordPress security. The first point of call being the Hardening WordPress Codex page. He recommended choosing plugins carefully as these can be a very weak part of the WordPress ecosystem. Look for high numbers of downloads, recent updates and an active support forum.

He wrapped up with tips on writing a good plugin or theme so that our own work does not become part of the problem.  His company runs a free resource at https://security.dxw.com/


The essential Pizza
The essential Pizza

Persil.co.uk – Cleaner Themes

After a break, the final talk was from Adam Onishi. The company he works for recently built the new iteration of washing powder brand Persil. It was a great insight into a complicated build that spanned 20 countries with many competing requests from different parts of the Persil marketing departments.

Adam’s mission was to keep the site management under as tight a control as possible so that updating and changes could be made as simple and straightforward as possible. To this end, the entire global prescence of 35 websites runs from a single WordPress multisite installation.The second vital ingredient was Parent/Child themes. This has allowed extensive localisation of design and content.

Adam went through some code examples, the tools he and his team used to build the site, the most useful plugins that were used, and how he now is working alone on building out the individual country sites.

Adams’ slides


All videos of WordPress meetups are free to view and can be found here https://www.youtube.com/user/WordPressLondon






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