We’re often asked how the .LONDON domain registration process works.
Until 31st July 2014, .LONDON is in Launch phase. This gives trademark holders and Londoners a priority right.
Here are the 4 priorities, in descending order.
- Sunrise – Applicants with a trade mark recorded in the official Trademark Clearing House.
- London Priority 1 – Applicants with a London address AND with rights for a matching domain name. Eligible rights are
- Registered trademarks effective in the UK
- Unregistered trademarks with use in London prior to 1 April 2014
- Registered names of companies and charities registered prior to 1 April 2014
- Personal (full) Names
- London Priority 2 – Applicants with a London address for any domain name
- London Priorty 3 – Applicants without a London address for any domain name.
If a right is claimed in a given priority, then the lower rights do not apply. If more than claim is reached in any priority, an auction will be held. Within a given priority (eg London priority 1) there is no particular order of rights – all are deemed equal.
Claims are validated – applicants will be emailed directly by the validation agent (admin@validation.london) so do not ignore these emails!

Applications run until 31st July 2014- Apply here: http://2020.sc/7fR