Improve the Performance of your WordPress Website

A new feature launched today offers Static WordPress Hosting for 2020Media Managed WordPress websites.

In collaboration with Cloudflare Inc, the world leader in globally distributed content delivery, the new Automatic Platform Optimisation services takes your WordPress site and serves it as a static HTML site fully cached from servers near your vistors.

Results are impressive, , with a 72% reduction in Time to First Byte (TTFB), 23% reduction to First Contentful Paint, and 13% reduction in Speed Index for desktop users at the 90th percentile. This means visitors to your website see not only the first content sooner but all content more quickly.

Our Managed WordPress hosting all ready offers static content caching – which is files like images, CSS and JavaScript, but that is only part of the equation. Dynamic content is still fetched from the origin server incurring costly round trips and additional processing time.

The new option also means you can keep managing and updating content on your website in the same way and leave the hard work for performance to us. No extra steps are needed on your site at all.

Logged-in users and Ecommerce (woocommerce in the intial release) are supported too – the system checks for “cookies” – little bits of data that are unique to specific users – and bypasses the cache for them. This ensures customized content for a specific user is only visible to that user.

Interested? The service costs from £5+VAT per month and you can try it for a single month to ensure it benefits your site. Get in touch on 0370 321 2020 or by emailing us here: