The long awaited new version of Joomla has been released today.
Joomla is a free content management system used on tens of thousands of websites of all shapes and sizes.
- 2020Media hosting fully supports Joomla 2.5
- 2020Media can help you migrate older Joomla versions to 2.5
Along with new features such as advanced search and automatic notification of Joomla core and extension updates, the Joomla CMS for the first time includes multi-database support with the addition of Microsoft SQL Server. Previous versions of Joomla were compatible exclusively with MySQL databases. This improves support on the Windows platform, which 2020Media are able to offer at no extra cost.
Other key features in Joomla 2.5 includes:
- Automatic notification when a Joomla or extension update is available. When logged into the control panel, site administrators will instantly have access to new notification buttons that allows them to see and act on the latest updates. In addition to updates for the Joomla CMS, a second button offers third party extension notification updates.
- A better natural language search engine to the Joomla core. Complete with auto-completion and stemming (for example if you type “running” in a search field you also see run), it is faster and more versatile than the standard search.
Contact 2020Media on 0370 321 2020 or sales@2020media.com or www.2020media.com/contact for more information about UK Joomla hosting.