Tag Archives: wiki

Wiki time

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MediaWiki Logo

A Wiki is a collaborative website that can be edited by multiple people, usually without having to log in. The encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best known wikis.  Ward Cunningham described a wiki as “the simplest online database that could possibly work”.

We’ve recently started a documentation project here at 2020Media. We started out using WordPress, but we’re now trying out a Wiki. WordPress has some advantages like alerting the administrator when comments are made to articles, but the Wiki approach allows us to quickly add new pages and content in the shortest possible time.

As we’re already familiar with Wikipedia (it’s so well ranked on Google it must make the SEO ‘experts’ green with envy) we decided to use the same free software, MediaWiki.

If you’re thinking about a new website, take a look at wikis. 2020Media have hosting plans that are perfect for any wiki website.