Tag Archives: ipv6

2020Media supports ISOC IPv6 project

The IPv6 Matrix project, proudly supported and hosted by 2020Media, was featured in a presentation at London INET this week. The ISOC project looks at the entire internet for take up of next generation IPv6 addresses. IPv4 addresses are due to run out in under a year so adoption of IPv6 addresses is crucial to the future growth of the internet.

INET London

INET is a worldwide set of conferences looking at the future of the internet. Opportunities, threats and challenges to business were examined and discussed by the participants.  Matthew Ford, technology program manager from the Internet Society spoke about the current state of internet penetration and how ISPs are constantly increasing capacity to keep up with demand. The big 6 ISPs who account for 94% of UK broadband services now use an arsenal of technological techniques to manage, control, and limit their users internet use. These include traffic shaping, deep packet inspection, acceptable use policies (AUP) and limits hidden deep in their terms and conditions.

2020Media’s broadband has clear up-front quotas on bandwidth use, no deep packet inspection or traffic shaping, and a clear indication of the line speed you can expect. View our broadband site for more information.

Other comments of interest included one likening the internet to the large banks – “too big to fail”. The internet is now such a essential part of the way services are delivered to the public that it is now considered essential infrastructure. ISOC warned that in the future the freedoms and accessability of the entire internet we have now, may not exist. Their Future Scenarios videos demonstrate some of the problems we are internet users and providers may face.

2020Media IPv6 rollout plans

2020Media has begun its roll out of IPv6 address space.

Our IPv6 range,  2a00:19e8::/32 is now active and our technical staff have received RIPE training.

A /32 by the way equates to a mind-boggling number of internet IP addresses – 18,446,744,073,709,552,000! Customers can expect to receive /64 addresses (2ˆ64 ip numbers).

For an overview of our plans, see: www.2020media.com/ipv6

the RIPE IPv6 Training Course
the RIPE IPv6 Training Course

New internet addresses – IPv6

ipv4The imminent end of the Internet as we know it approaches – our IPv4 addresses are running out fast. Less than 10% of the original 4 billion remain. Internet service providers will have to ration their stocks of existing address blocks and growth will become more difficult.

The solution? IPv6 addresses are plentiful and easy to obtain. The problem is that the transition is already years behind of schedule.

Having completed internal testing and analysis, we’re delighted to announce that 2020Media will be rolling out IPv6 in 2010 to both hosting and broadband customers.

Problems still exist though: For instance, at the time of writing, there are NO consumer broadband modems that support IPv6. And of the top 500 websites (tracked by Alexa), only 1 supports Ipv6.

So even if you can get connected via IPv6, chances are you won’t be able to see any websites!

2020Media is participating in an ISOC project to map and present data on the takeup of IPv6 by the worlds leading websites and companies. More information on our plans.